provided on a sliding scale basis
Parent Advocacy
Parent advocacy:As a parent advocacy program, Lessmore Foundation offers support and assistance to single mothers. Professionally trained individuals will assist the mothers in obtaining the services and support they require.
The staff of our organization will attend school meetings and court proceedings to speak on behalf of or in defense of single mothers. We will intercede on the mother’s behalf. The cost of all of our programs is determined on a sliding scale, so no family will be denied services on the basis of their income.
Parenting Classes
Parenting Classes:
Our classes will help parents deal with issues such as sexual orientation, bullying, suicide, behavior, etc. The parenting courses are to help mothers deal with any challenges associated with a child's upbringing. Our program is to expand their parenting skills and get involved with their children’s psychological problems.
These courses are to educate and help mothers with their shortcomings in how they are raising their children. These courses are offered on a sliding scale basis and no mother will be turned away because of income. Our foundation takes a vow to offer 24-hour advice in your time of need.
Anger Management
Anger Management:
Lessmore offers anger management courses. Our goal is help single mothers recognize the signs that they are becoming angry. The purpose of these classes are to help the mother follow certain steps to calm down and deal with the situations. Anger is displayed in many forms. Some forms include but is not limited to:
- Behavioral agression
- Verbal abuse
- Physical abuse
- Passive- aggressive
- Resentment
- Rage and more
Health, Nutrition, and Stress Management
Our mission is to help improve the lives of these families by promoting good health, and by decreasing all statistics associated with childhood obesity in single-mother homes. We plan on accomplishing this goal by having our professionally trained nutritionists educate on healthy eating and living. Our trained nutritionists will teach mothers meal preparations. We will give out recipes for meals under one hour because time plays a major role in the homes of single mothers. Each recipe will follow the six nutrition categories to make the body function more efficiently. These services are offered on a sliding scale basis, so no one will be turned away because of income.
Stress management stress plays a major role in the homes of single mothers. This is because the mother is responsible for solely running the home. For the mother to function properly with lower stress levels we are offering a day at our fully-loaded spa bi-weekly self-care. Our spa will provide the mother a unique and personal touch to relaxation, and stress relief. Studies have shown that self-care can relieve stress. By offering this service our goal is to reduce some health problems, such as anxiety, lower stress, and depression. We plan to reduce anger, improve sleep habits, and enhance the immune system. These services are offered on a sliding scale basis, so no one will be turned away because of income.
Sports and athletics sponsorship
Fifteen million children in the U.S. are being raised by single mothers. The Lessmore Foundation is involved in this fight because our future will be determined by our children, and the foundation we set for our children to prosper.
We are giving single mother children the same opportunities as a child being raised in a two-family home. By sponsoring sports and athletics we are giving the children somewhere to belong. Empowering our children today sets a foundation for their tomorrow.
Havens Closet
Lessmore Foundation presents Havens Closet. To accommodate the changing seasons, each family will be awarded the opportunity to pick five new or slightly used outfits.
Make a Donation
Support our community by donating today. Help us be there for them in their time of need.